Carpet binding


Carpet binding in Portland, OR

Don’t throw away those carpet remnants! Marion's Carpet & Flooring Warehouses offers carpet binding services for leftovers that would be viewed as useless by some. Remnants can be turned into attractive rugs, stair runners, welcome mats, and more with Marion's. Why would you throw all of that good matting in the trash? Let us create something beautiful for you. We only bind the carpets we sell.

A little bit about carpet binding

Binding tapestry involves stitching the ends of old fabric together to improve the look of the main carpeting pieces. The method is also used for fabrication of new designs. Sometimes, shoppers want to add different colors to tapestry schemes or create small additions that go with the main carpet flooring, and mat binding is the best way to do this. When creating, you may decide to connect your dining room tapestry to the fabric in the hallway. You wouldn’t be able to stylishly do such a thing without extra pieces of cloth. This is where rug remnants come in. The old pieces can serve as bonding between the two carpeted areas. Installers can stitch remnants to the new carpet flooring to create a beautiful finish. This option is much better than using tape or just having a large gap between the hall and dining room.Don't know what carpet to get? We offer design consultations to help you pick the right quality tapestry for your home.



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Other ways carpet remnants can be used

Binding is not limited to connecting flooring, as carpet remnants can also be used to create new pieces such as mats and high end carpets.Maybe you don’t want to deal with the hassle of selecting a new color scheme for the dining room, or perhaps you want a welcome mat that completely matches your living room carpet. Old remnants from previous installments can give you the colorful mat that perfectly matches your living room carpet, turning your old rug in to a high end carpet piece. The pieces can also be the perfect addition that makes your dining room table and accessories come alive. For liability reasons, we only bind carpet purchased at Marion’s.

The money crunch

Those hoping to save a dollar here and there are fully aware of how expensive carpet can get. Although there is nothing wrong with selecting carpet for every room, it is not the best idea when you are trying to save money. Those on a tight budget are looking to get the full value for what they buy, and the only way to do that is by keeping the remnants and letting us do the binding. As an active business in the Portland Metropolitan/Southwest Washington area, Marion's understands the spirit of the region. We have been delivering great service at even better prices for over 50 years and would love to help you. Whether your old materials are used as a bed for a pet or to add a little fabric to your hallway, Marion's Carpet & Flooring Warehouses knows the best way to bind carpet and turn it into to something beautiful and functional.